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Friday, February 6, 2009

Advanced Still Life - Tiny Pitcher

This is an extremely tiny study I began work on last week. When I say  tiny I mean tiny! It's about 3 x 4 inches. The support is gessoed matt board {board used to matt a frame}. I gessoed both sides at least twice with a toned gray gesso. Next I oiled out {see description from last post}, lay in the imprimatura {burnt sienna & ultramarine blue, or something to darken the sienna}, and wiped out/modeled with a paper towel. After that I lay in the red tone behind the small pitcher and added a little of the same color/tone in the foreground. 

Life Painting With Renee

This week I started a small wipe out study for the large semester long piece I will be working on. 

I started by "oiling out" with oderless mineral spirits. I covered the whole surface of my support via brush. Then I took a paper towel and wiped off the excess. Next I covered the canvas with a mixture of burnt sienna and ,I believe, ultramarine blue. Then I got a smaller clean brush and used the burnt sienna to layout a basic line drawing. Finally, I used my paper towel to wipe out the lights and model the forms.